Thursday 10 May 2012

"Passive Income" an example

A few figures to ponder...
If I were to do 1 hours work today doing pc tutoring on how to build a website I would be paid say £15(if I'm lucky!). If I were to do that once a week for 45 weeks in the year(leaving time for holidays!), that's £675 for 45 hours work. Not quite enough to earn a living.

Alternatively, if I were to spend 1 hour writing a blog article about how to build a website and monetised it so I was getting £2 per month, that would be £24 per year. Not very exciting you say....but if I developed that blog post into a series of 45 blog posts on how to build a website, that would be 45 hours initial work, for £90 per month and £1080 per year. At £5 per month per post, that would come to £2700 per year. After 5 years those posts which took 45 hours work to build will have earned £13,500! Oh and bye the way, I would still be earning while sleeping and away on holiday.

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